Hope writes, mostly, about books and ideas. For the New York Times, she curates book lists for Well. For her series for JSTOR Daily, she talks to public intellectuals from Noam Chomsky to Chimamanda Adichie to Cornel West. For MIT’s Undark Magazine, she interviews scientists. For Longreads, she chats with authors. For New York Magazine’s The Cut, she talks to important women, like Melinda Gates, about their daily routine.

Here is a selection of her work:

These 5 Books Might Make You a Better FriendNYT
How to Bring Order to Chaos in Your HomeNYT
6 Books About Nonmonogamy, Recommended by TherapistsNYT
Is Your Attachment Style Creating Tension in Your Relationship?NYT
8 Books for Better SexNYT
These Books Will Make Your Relationship StrongerNYT
8 Books for Anyone Curious About MeditationNYT
How a Bit of Awe Can Improve Your HealthNYT
How to Prevent Memory LossNYT
How Love Changes Your BrainNYT
Relationships Were Put Under a Microscope: On “Love in the Time of Contagion”Medium
What Happens When Police Use AI to Predict and Prevent Crime?JSTOR Daily
Readers Connect With Emotion: A Q&A with author Lily KingMedium
How Priyanka Chopra Gets It DoneThe Cut
‘Most Cops Don’t Violate the Rules. It’s Just That the Rules Are Horrific.’GEN at Medium
Laurie Santos Says Self-Care Doesn’t Have to Be SelfishNYT
Noam Chomsky: There's Reason for HopeJSTOR Daily
Hungary’s assault on education is a blow to the EUCodaStory
What is going on with America’s boys?Vox
Wendell Berry is still ahead of usVox
What Should We Do about Our Aging Prison Population?JSTOR Daily
More Books on Climate Change Won’t Help Us NowMedium
The woman who helped change how America thinks about the death penalty isn't done yetVox
Leslie Jamison’s Road to “Recovering”The Village Voice
All the Disquiet on the Midwestern Front
The Village Voice
The journalist who’s been covering R. Kelly for 17 years: “This is rape culture”Vox
Margaret Atwood explains how to know if you’re living in a totalitarian stateVox
Sarah Silverman: Patriotism Is "Perverted"VICE
2016 & earlier
The Real Feminist Impact of The Mary Tyler Moore Show was Behind the ScenesThe Atlantic
'Boys Have Deep Emotional Lives' The Atlantic